
I am a business consultant..

I am a business consultant and will use this for “special effects” when I speak. But I want to tell you that your business gets an A+ in service----I called a while back---every question answered, very nice. And this email is excellent. Businesses that get it right don’t get enough recognition! Great work and thank you Chris




Lighting Controllers are necessary to have full control of your disco lights. There are simple off/on controllers and also more professional DMX software controllers to enable you to program a complete light show.

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Daslight DPAD Gold Wall Mounted DMX Controller
Stand alone wall mounted DMX controller The DPAD Gold is Daslight's top of the range control..
Daslight DVC3 128 Basic Virtual Controller
The DVC3 128 works with Daslight Virtual Controller 2 and 3 and the Virtual 3D software packages ..
Daslight DVC3 512 Virtual Controller
The perfect solution for any project requiring an easy to use, powerful controller with 1 DMX uni..
Daslight DVC3 GOLD Virtual Controller
The versatile Daslight interface features: - 512 or 1024 DMX output channels in PC mode, 512..
Daslight DVC3 Gold ZM Virtual DMX Controller
The DVC3 Gold ZM has been designed for larger installations, clubs and applications With the..
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